AccountsPayableGuide > Accounts Payable > Managing Your Vendors > Planning Your Vendors > Using Product Types to Filter and Sort Reports
Using Product Types to Filter and Sort Reports
If you purchase different products from different vendors, you might want to create a list of product types. You can then assign a product type to each vendor and enter the type in the Prod Type field in the AP Vendors window. You can sort vendors based on the product type you enter in this field. See Filter Ranges and Filter Methods for information on additional report sort and filter options.
Tips & Tricks: Why Would I Use Product Types?
Let’s say you own a bookstore, you sell several different types of products, and you purchase each type from a different vendor. You decide you want to sort vendors on reports by the type of products you receive from them.
If you plan your different product types ahead of time, you can include them in the Prod Type field of the AP Vendors window when you set up vendors. Keep in mind there is a 15 character limit for this field.
You should follow a consistent naming scheme to ensure your reports filter neatly and accurately.
Sample product types for a bookstore might be:
Food & Drink
Published date: 12/03/2021