Recalculating General Ledger Tables
This maintenance option corrects inconsistencies between ledger files due to corrupt or missing data. Data corruption can occur, for example, during power outages or system failures.
CAUTION: If you choose to recalculate your General Ledger tables, always back up your data files and print the Audit Trail Report before you begin the recalculation process.
To recalculate your Period Table:
1 In the General Ledger module, select Period End Tasks > Recalculate Period Table from the left navigation pane.
Click thumbnail to view Business image.
Click thumbnail to view Fund image.
2 Select the account number for which you want to recalculate the period table.
If you leave this field blank, the system will recalculate all of your accounts.
3 Select OK to recalculate.
Published date: 09/30/2021