Right-Click Menu for Receiving
When you work with items in the detail section of the window, you can use the right-click menu to expedite certain tasks. Place the mouse over the line item with which you want to work and right-click. On the menu that appears, there are several options from which to choose specific to receiving and/or invoicing items.
Depending on the transaction type you select in this window, some options might be disabled. Also, depending on the remaining quantity to receive or invoice, certain options are not applicable and are unavailable.
Menu Option
Receive All
This option zeros out the Quantity Remaining field for the selected line item in the purchase order and adds the remaining quantity to the Quantity Received/Returned field.
Receive None
This option zeros out the Quantity Received/Returned field for the selected line item in the purchase order and adds the amount to the Quantity Remaining field.
Invoice All
This option zeros out the Received and Not Invoiced field for the selected line item in the purchase order and adds the amount to the Quantity to Invoice field.
Invoice None
This option zeros out the Quantity to Invoice field for the selected line item in the purchase order and adds the amount to the Received and Not Invoiced field.
Reset Line Item
This option zeros out the Quantity Received/Returned field for the selected line item in the purchase order and adds the amount to the Quantity Remaining field. Also, this option zeros out the Quantity to Invoice field for the selected line item and adds the amount to the Received and Not Invoiced field.
Edit Serial Numbers
This option is only available when the menu is accessed for a serialized inventory line item. This option opens the PO Receive Serialized Items window in which you can assign or remove serialized items from inventory.
Published date: 02/08/2021