Accepting Gift Cards
To accept gift cards as tender, you must use TSYS Genius and set up Point of Sale Preferences to accept gift cards. For information about how to sell or increment gift cards, see Working with Gift Cards.
To accept a gift card as tender with the Genius device:
1 In the Point of Sale Register window, click the Tender button.The Transaction Closeout window will open.
2 Click the Customer button or press the F4 key.
3 After the customer swipes the card, if a balance remains, select another payment method and tender the remaining amount.
4 Depending on the system settings, if the amount exceeds the payment due, you can complete the transaction by giving cash back to the customer after you tender the gift card.
Or, if the system is set up not to give cash back on a gift card, any amount left on the card after you tender the sale will remain on the card until the customer uses the card again.
5 Click Done to complete the transaction.
To accept a gift card as tender for a sales transaction:
1 In the Point of Sale Register window, click the Tender button. The Transaction Closeout window will open.
2 Click the Gift Card button or press the F7 key.
3 Type the gift card number. The Gift Card Amount field will display the amount that will be used from the gift card as payment. This amount will either be the payment due for the transaction, or, if the card is not enough to pay for the transaction, the entire amount that is available on the card. You can refer to the Available Balance field to find out how much is available on the card.
4 Click Authorize.
5 If a balance remains after using the gift card, select another payment method and tender the remaining amount.
6 Depending on the system settings, if the amount exceeds the payment due, you can complete the transaction by giving cash back to the customer after you tender the gift card.
Or, if your system is set up to not to give cash back on a gift card, any amount left on the card after you tender the sale will remain on the card until the customer uses the card again.
7 Click Done to complete the transaction.
Published date: 11/22/2021