AccountsPayableCS > Accounts Payable > Miscellaneous > AP Set Up Merchants window
AP Set Up Merchants window
This window appears when you click the Set Up Merchants button in the Import Expenses from Expensify window. Use this window to set up default vendors for your expense merchants. These vendors will only be used by default if the Use Merchant’s Vendor check box is checked in the Set Up Submitters window.
When you import, expenses are grouped by vendor and expense date.
This column shows the merchants that are on an approved expense report or any merchant that was previously saved in this window.
To remove merchants from the grid, clear the Vendor field for the merchant and save the form.
Use the Lookup or type in the vendor that will be this merchant’s default vendor. It must be a valid vendor and you can edit it during the import process.
Published date: 12/03/2021