Deleting Individual Bills
There will be times when you need to void a bill individually instead of clearing the entire batch of transactions. You can use the AP Enter Bills window to do this.
To void a bill:
1 In Accounts Payable, select Bill Tasks > Enter Bills from the left navigation pane.
2 Use the Find button or arrow keys to select the bill you want to void.
3 Click the Edit button; it will change to read Del.
4 Click the Del button to delete this bill.
5 A message will appear to verify that you want to delete the bill; select Yes to delete, or No to exit this window.
You can repeat this process until you delete all the bills with an error. If you want to delete an entire batch of bills instead of doing so one at a time, see Deleting All the Bills in a Batch.
Published date: 12/03/2021