AccountsReceivableCS > Accounts Receivable > Options menu > AR Manage Internal Control Alerts window
AR Manage Internal Control Alerts window
You can only use this feature in Accounts Receivable if you connect to Denali through our API.
Use this window to set up the email addresses you want to send internal control alerts to. Each time you post through the API, an email will be sent to let recipients know that a batch has been posted. The alert will be sent from the address set up in Controller.
Email Address 
Enter an email address you want to send alerts to. You can add as many email addresses as you want, but you must add them one at a time in this field.
Click this button to add the email address to the list box below. You can also press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Email list box 
This list shows all the email addresses you entered. When you click OK, the addresses are saved in the window. You can select/deselect the check box next to each address to include/not include it in the recipients list of the posting alert. To delete an email address, highlight the address in the grid and press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Published date: 11/22/2021