AR Type Codes window
Use Type Codes to group customers for reporting or pricing. To determine the number of codes you need, we recommend you print a list of your customers to see how many different groups you want to have.
After you create these codes, enter them in the Type box in the AR Customers window. You can use them in combination with Inventory Codes for special or discount price levels when customers purchase certain stock items in Sales. You can also use them to filter several reports in the Accounts Receivable and Sales modules.
Enter a code of up to six characters to identify this group of customers. For example, if this code will represent a group of customers that buy at retail and charge on credit, your code might look something like this: RTLCRE.
To quickly identify the type of group you are creating the code for, enter a description in this box; for example, Retail Customer Charging on Credit.
Published date: 11/22/2021