Setting up Automatic Billing to Another Organization
If you have multiple organizations, you can set up Denali so that posting customer charge transactions in one organization will automatically create bills in another organization.
On each customer record, you can select the Bill to other organization check box if you want customer charge transactions to automatically create bills in Accounts Payable. When you select the check box, the organization drop-down will appear so you can select the organization you want the bill to post in. Only organizations that have Accounts Payable installed will appear in the list.
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When you save the customer record with the check box and organization selected, a vendor named with the current organization is created in the other organization. The new vendor is based on the AP Default Vendor template and the Organization Information window in Controller.
Then when you post a customer charge transaction for the customer, a bill is created and posted in the other organization’s Accounts Payable. The bill will be ready to pay in the AP Adjust/Pay Bills window with a vendor name of the current organization.
Published date: 12/31/2020