Working with AR Codes
You must set up at least one AR Code and each customer account must have an AR Code attached before you can post transactions. You can define different AR Codes to group customers together. Some examples of different customer groups are residential, commercial, individual, business, government, and Internet. You might want to group customers to:
Direct posting of Accounts Receivable and Sales transactions to the appropriate General Ledger accounts.
Purge open items for separate groups.
Print balance forward statements for some groups and open item statements for others.
Set up different aging periods for different groups.
We don’t recommend you use AR Codes to filter reports because you can filter and sort reports, statements, and labels for a range of customer numbers, names, types, or Salesperson Codes with just one AR Code.
It is important to plan ahead if you want to group customers because you cannot change the AR Code attached to a customer if they have an account balance. If you use the General Ledger Interface Table, each AR Code requires additional setup.
Published date: 12/31/2020