BR Bank Account window: Financial tab
Use this tab to view information about the selected bank account. You cannot change any of the information in this window.
Account Balances
View your balances for this account.
Current Balance 
This field shows the current balance of the bank account.
Last Statement Date 
This is the last statement date for this bank account. The date updates every time you reconcile the account.
Last Statement Balance 
This shows the balance of the account on the last statement.
Outstanding Items
View the outstanding items related to this bank account.
This field shows the amount of any outstanding checks related to this bank account.
This field shows the amount of any outstanding deductions related to this bank account.
Bank Charges 
This field shows the amount of any outstanding bank charges related to this bank account.
This field shows the amount of any outstanding deposits related to this bank account.
This field shows the amount of any outstanding additions related to this bank account.
Last Check
View information about the last check recorded for this bank account.
Check Number 
This is the last check number recorded for this bank account.
Check Date 
This is the last check date recorded for this bank account.
Check Amount 
This is the last check amount recorded for this bank account.
Last Deposit
View information about the last deposit recorded for this bank account.
Deposit Number 
This is the last deposit number recorded for this bank account.
Deposit Date 
This is the last deposit date recorded for this bank account.
Deposit Amount 
This is the last deposit amount recorded for this bank account.
Published date: 05/21/2021