BankReconciliationCS > Bank Reconciliation > Reporting menu > BR Bank Register Report window > BR Bank Register Report window: Report Options tab
BR Bank Register Report window: Report Options tab
On this tab, set up general report preferences.
Sort Items By 
From the drop-down, choose how you want to sort the report. You can select from:
Item Number: this sort is first by item number, then by date, and then by type.
Date: this sort is first by date, then by item number, and then by type.
Type: this sort is first by type, then by date, and then by item number.
Additions/Deposits, Checks, and Other Withdrawals: this sort groups additions and deposits together, followed by checks and other withdrawals. Each group is ordered by date.
Deposits, Checks, Other Additions, and Other Withdrawals: this sort begins with deposits ordered by date, followed by checks ordered by check number (item #), then all other additions ordered by date, and ends with all other withdrawals ordered by date.
Checks, Additions, Deposits, and Other Withdrawals: this sort shows checks ordered by date, followed by additions and deposits ordered by date, and then all other withdrawals ordered by date.
Type > Item #: this option sorts by type first and then sub-sorts by item #.
Type > Date> Amount: the option sorts by type, then date, and then by amount.
Date > Type > Item #:: this options sorts by date, then type, and then by item #.
Date - Most Recent First: this sort is by date, with the most recent date appearing first.
Amount - High to Low: this sorts by amount, from highest amount to lowest.
Amount - Low to High: this sorts by amount, from lowest amount to highest.
Status > Item Type > Date: this sort is by status, then item type, and then by date.
Status > Item Type > Item Number: this sort is by status, then item type, and then by date.
Item Type > Source Module > Payee: this sort is by item type, then by source module, and then by payee.
The default option for this sort is Date.
Report Type 
From the drop-down, select the type of report you want to run. You can choose from:
Single Line: shows only the transaction data; this is the default
Detailed: shows all activity for a specified range
Condensed: shows the group totals for a specified range
Summary: shows one total for a specified range
Print Notes
This options is only available if you selected Detailed for your report type. Select none, one, or both of the following buttons:
Select this check box if you want transaction notes to appear on the report.
Select this check box if you want notes entered on the Bank Notes tab of each bank account to appear on the report.
Activity Types
Select the activity type for which you want to run the report. You must select at least one activity type, but you can select multiple types. You can select from:
This is the default option. If you want to include all activity types, select this option. To choose other options, deselect this check box.
Select this check box to include check activity in your report.
Select this check box to include deduction activity in your report.
Bank Charge 
Select this check box to include bank charge activity in your report.
Select this check box to include deposit activity in your report.
Select this check box to include addition activity in your report.
You can filter what items appear on the report based on their status. The default option is that all status options appear.
Select this check box if you want items with a status of outstanding to appear on the report.
Select this check box if you want items with a status of cleared to appear on the report.
Select this check box if you want items with a status of voided to appear on the report.
Source Modules
You can filter report data based on the module in which a transaction was originally entered. All three modules are checked by default.
Bank Reconciliation 
Select this check box to include transactions that originated in the Bank Reconciliation module.
Accounts Payable 
Select this check box to include transactions that originated in the Accounts Payable module.
Accounts Receivable 
Select this check box to include transactions that originated in the Accounts Receivable module.
Select this check box to include transactions that originated in the Payroll module.
Starting and Ending Ranges: Bank Account, Item Date, Document Number, Payee 
Use these ranges to specify what activity you want to report. Leave the defaults of Start and End to include all values for a particular range, type the values, or use the Lookup to enter the starting and ending values to include. The descriptions for the starting and ending bank accounts you choose appear after their respective starting and ending fields. The ending Item Date cannot be set beyond the end of the Fiscal Calendar.
Date Range 
From the drop-down, select a predefined period to run the report for.  
Published date: 05/21/2021