BankReconciliationCS > Bank Reconciliation > Reconciliation Tasks menu > BR Set Up Reconciliation Batch window
BR Set Up Reconciliation Batch window
Use this window to set up a new batch and maintain batch information.
Batch Number 
This number identifies the batch and is assigned automatically by the system. You cannot change it. The numbering scheme begins with AAAAAA and continues with AAAAAB, AAAAAC, and so on. After AAAAAZ the next batch number is AAAABA. After ZZZZZZ, the system starts the numbering over with AAAAAA.
The system automatically assigns an identity consisting of the user ID of the current user and the time (hh:mm:ss format). You can change this identity to include a better description, which may help you locate a particular batch within a Lookup.
Date Created 
The date is automatically set by the system and is based on the current system date.
This box shows the number of transactions in the selected batch. This box cannot be edited. If you are using this window to delete a batch, this field must show zero.
This is the number of checks in the selected batch. If there are no checks in the batch, the message “0 - No checks in batch file” appears.
Published date: 05/21/2021