BankReconciliationGuide > Bank Reconciliation > Working with Bank Accounts > Troubleshooting: Working with Bank Accounts
Troubleshooting: Working with Bank Accounts
At times, problems or errors can occur that are simple to fix without contacting Customer Support. Here, we indicate some common problems and ways to correct them. If you do not find what you are looking for in this topic, refer to the help options in the Denali Help topic and/or check the Documentation section of our Customer Service Center before you contact Customer Support. If you would like to offer suggestions for additions to our Troubleshooting topic, please email us at
To Fix This:
Try This:
I cannot delete an existing bank account.
You might have open activity connected to the account. Make sure you clear all activity for the bank account and then try to delete it again. See Deleting Bank Accounts for more information.
I cannot update my current bank balance.
When you created the account, you manually entered a starting balance. Once you save the account, you can only modify the balance by posting activity to correct the balance.
Published date: 05/21/2021