ControllerCS > Controller > Resources and Tools menu > CMS Back Up Organization Information window
CMS Back Up Organization Information window
Use the Denali back up feature to back up your data and use the restore feature to restore data previously backed up.
Destination Path 
Enter the Destination Path for your backup file. The default destination is a subfolder of the Cougar Mountain data directory (BACKUP\YYYYMMDDhhmm\ where YYYYMMDDhhmm is the year, month, date, hour and minute). For example, C:\PROGRAM FILES\COUGAR MOUNTAIN SOFTWARE\DENALI\DMOACT\BACKUP\201509211455.
Select the ellipsis (...) button to browse to the folder in which you want to store your backup files from the list of available directories and folders. You can also specify a different destination, for example, a different hard drive directory, or DVD-ROM drive.
If you specify a folder that does not exist, you are prompted to verify that it should be created. If you specify a drive that does not exist, you are prompted to enter a new path.
File Name 
This field displays the file name for the backup file.
Source Server 
This field displays the server where the source file is located and the location of the server with the organization data files that are getting backed up.
Source Organization 
Displays the code for the organization that is to be backed up.
Published date: 11/05/2021