CMS Currencies window
Use this window to define different foreign currencies your business accepts. Settings in this window only affect transactions in the Sales module.
Use the check boxes in this column to select the different currencies you want to accept in the Sales module.
ISO Code 
This column reflects the three-digit International Code for this currency. This is used to distinguish this currency from any others in the system and is set by the International Standardization Organization. The information in this column cannot be manually changed.
Currency Description 
This column shows the description for this currency. This is the identifying description for the selected currency; for example, US Dollar or Mexican Nuevo Peso. This information cannot be changed.
This column shows the character used to represent this currency. For example the US Dollar is $. The information in this column cannot be changed.
This is the character that will be used to indicate the place for thousand, one hundred thousand, million, and so on for the selected currency. For example, the separator character for the US Dollar is a comma: $1,000.00. This information cannot be changed.
Decimal Separator 
This column shows the decimal character to be used for this currency. For example, the US Dollar uses a period whereas the Italian Lira uses a comma. This information cannot be changed.
This column shows the way in which negative amounts will be displayed for this currency. For example, the US Dollar will reflect a negative amount with parenthesis:($100.00). The Australian Dollar uses a dash, or negative sign, to represent a negative amount, like this: - 100.00. The information in this column cannot be changed.
Enter the number of decimal places to use for this currency. The default is 2 and you can enter 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. You can set this at any time.
Select the Edit button in this column to open the CMS Denominations window and set the standard denominations for this currency. You will only have the option to edit currencies that have a check in the Accept column.
Published date: 11/05/2021