ControllerCS > Controller > Organization Options menu > CMS Install Modules window
CMS Install Modules window
Use this window to install and uninstall Denali modules. See Integration for details regarding how integration works within modules.
Not Installed
This list box shows the modules that were purchased and installed to the server, but not installed to the selected organization. You can use the options below to add/remove modules, or double-click on a specific module to move the module from one side to the other.
If a module appears in red, it means it has been moved from the Installed list box to the Not Installed list box but the change has not been applied.
NOTE: Some installations, such as Multi-Location Inventory (MLI), are not reversible and you will not have the option of reverting back to regular Inventory once MLI is installed. If you have any concerns about this, please back up your organization before you make any changes. You can test changes in the Demonstration Organization.
Add > 
Use this button to move the selected module(s) from the Not Installed list box on the left to the Installed list box on the right. To select multiple modules, hold down the SHIFT or CTRL key while you click the modules with your mouse.
Add All >> 
Use this button to move all the modules from the Not Installed list box on the left to the Installed list box on the right.
< Remove 
Use this button to move the selected module(s) from the Installed list box on the right to the Not Installed list box on the left. To select multiple modules, hold down the SHIFT or CTRL key while you click the modules with your mouse.
<< Remove All 
Use this button to move all the modules from the Installed list box on the right to the Not Installed list box on the left.
This list box shows the modules that were successfully installed to the selected organization.
If a module appears in red, it means it has been moved from the Not Installed list box to the Installed list box but the change has not been applied.
Published date: 11/05/2021