ControllerCS > Controller > Organization Options menu > Set up PayPal Integration window
Set up PayPal Integration window
To integrate to PayPal and automate your payment collection, you need to set up your account information in this window. You need a PayPal business account to use this feature.
Client ID 
Enter your client ID. Your ID is found through your PayPal business account. Please see the instructions under Get Credentials on this PayPal page to find your ID. When you’re on the PayPal API page, be sure you’re looking at your “live” credentials.
Enter your secret. Your secret is found through your PayPal business account. Please see the instructions under Get Credentials on this PayPal page to find your secret. When you’re on the PayPal API page, be sure you’re looking at your “live” credentials.
Test Connection 
Click this button to test your credentials. A message will appear letting you know if your connection was successful or not.
Published date: 11/05/2021