InventoryCS > Inventory > Reporting menu > IN Monthly Movement Report window > IN Monthly Movement Report window: General Settings tab
IN Monthly Movement Report window: General Settings tab
Use the options on this tab to tailor the monthly movement report to meet your specific business needs.
Starting Period 
Enter the period you want the report to begin. The report will automatically show twelve consecutive months including the period entered in this field. For example if you enter period 14 (1/1/2015), the report will show data for 1/1/2015 to 12/31/2015.
Additional Filter 
Use this drop-down list to filter data using one of the predefined or user-defined fields, and to specify the range of values that you wish to include. The default for this field is <None>.
Start and End Ranges: Inventory Code, Stock Number, Description, Location (MLI only), Product Type, and Movement % 
Use the Start and End fields to define the range of items to include on the report. You can include a single item by entering the same value in both fields. The default for these fields is Start and End and include all items that meet the remaining criteria set in the window.
In the Movement % fields enter the specific percentage range for which you want to view movement. For example, if you want to see stock items with 5% or higher movement, enter a starting percent of 5.00 and leave the ending default percent of 999.99.
Skip 0% Movement 
Select this check box to exclude items with no movement during the specified date range. Leave this check box unchecked (default) to include all items that meet the criteria in the rest of the window, regardless of their movement.
Include Adjustments/Transfers in Movement % 
Use this check box to include adjustment and transfer items with movement that meet the criteria you set in this window.
Published date: 08/16/2021