InventoryCS > Inventory > Period End Tasks menu > IN Recalculate Inventory Tables window
IN Recalculate Inventory Tables window
Recalculating corrects inconsistencies between inventory tables due to corrupt or missing data. Data corruption can occur due to power outage, system failure, etc.
The Controller module must be closed before you recalculate.
Rebuild Master Table from Cost/Quantity Table: This option recreates the Master Table, which has summary information, from detailed Cost/Quantity Table data. This is the preferred method of rebuilding data tables and can be used if the information in the Cost/Quantity Table is accurate.
Rebuild Cost/Quantity Table from Master Table: This options recreates the Cost/Quantity Table using Master Table data. Cost/Quantity line detail is eliminated in the conversion process. This method should be used only if the information in the Cost/Quantity table has become corrupt or inaccurate, and the Master Table information is accurate.
Correct Problems with Serialized Items in Cost/Quantity Table: This options repairs the Cost/Quantity Table by correcting errors with serialized items and quantities. For example, if a serial number has a quantity of zero, that serial number will be deleted through this process.
Correct Problems with Committed/Back Ordered/On Order Quantities in Master Table: This option zeros out all committed, back ordered, and on order quantities from the IN master table. It updates the committed and back ordered amounts from unposted sales transactions, and updates the on order quantities from purchase orders.
Start and End Ranges: Inventory Code / Stock Number / Location 
Select the starting and ending Inventory Codes, stock numbers, and locations to recalculate, or accept the defaults of Start and End. Location is only available if you have Multi-Location Inventory installed.
Published date: 08/16/2021