Correcting Adjustment Transaction Errors
It is easy to correct transaction errors if you catch the errors before you post. If you find a mistake on your Adjustment Edit Report, follow these steps to correct the error before you post. If you prefer to delete the transaction(s) and/or batch, refer to Deleting Adjustment Transactions.
To correct adjustment transaction errors:
1 In Inventory, select Adjustment Tasks > Increase / Decrease Stock Quantity.
2 Click the Find button.
3 When the adjustment is highlighted in the Lookup window, click Select.
4 Select Edit to change the adjustment.
5 Make the necessary corrections and click Save.
6 Complete the previous steps until you correct all errors, then you can select Cancel to exit this window.
7 Run the Edit Report to double-check that you corrected all errors.
For additional information on adjusting quantities, see Increasing or Decreasing Stock Item Quantities.
Published date: 12/21/2020