Physical Count Worksheet
Generate this report before you perform an inventory count. You can use the space on the report to note the actual physical count and note any discrepancies between physical and Denali counts for later adjustments. You can use the default setting to include all Inventory Codes, or choose only one.
If you have a scanning device and use a bar code system for your stock items, you can automate this count. See Importing Adjustment Transactions into Denali for more information.
You can also filter the report by any User-Defined Fields you have set up (see Tracking User-Defined Stock Item Information). To make quick adjustments to Inventory based on a physical count, refer to the tip for counting inventory.
Click thumbnail to view larger image.
Before you post adjustment transactions, run the Shrinkage Report to see the difference between your original and adjusted quantities.
Published date: 12/21/2020