Purging Inventory Transaction History
You might want to purge transaction history to reduce the amount of hard drive space the Inventory data tables occupy, or to speed the process up when you sort or print Inventory history reports. The Purge History function removes unwanted transactions from the history table for transaction dates older than or including the date you specify.
We strongly recommend you make a good backup before you purge so you can restore the purged information should you need it. Otherwise, all history information up to and including the purge date, except period balances, will be lost. For information on how to create a company specifically designated to hold old data, refer to Setting Up Your Organization.
To purge Inventory history, select Period End Tasks > Purge History from the left navigation pane. Enter the date through which you want to purge transactions and select OK. All data prior to and including the date will be purged.
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Published date: 12/21/2020