JC Sales OE Quick Access Bar: History
Select History from the Quick Access Bar to access the current customer’s financial, sales, and transaction history information. The buttons on this slide-out menu are only enabled if Sales is integrated to Accounts Receivable and a customer is selected.
Financial History 
Select this button to display the current customer’s financial history information. This includes the customer’s balance forward amount, credit limit, last charge, payment, and collection information. When the financial history information is visible, click the Continue button next to the Customer Number to close the financial history information and return to the Sales Order Entry window.
Sales History 
Select this button to view the current customer’s sales history information. This includes transaction information such as invoice number, date, items purchased, quantities, and unit and extended price information.
Customer Transaction History 
Select this button to see the current customer’s transaction history information, as contained on the Tran History tab of the customer’s AR Customers window.
Published date: 10/20/2020