Set Up Stock Item Variants
If you have stock items with multiple variations, such as shirt colors or pipe sizes, you can now set up a main stock item with multiple variants attached to it. After you set up the variants, you can enter the stock item in Sales or Purchase Order and choose which variant you want to sell or purchase.
When you set up stock items in the IN Stock window, you can check the Use Variants check box. This will enable the Variants tab where you can enter all the variants related to the stock item. You can only set up variants on stock items with zero quantity. You can set different prices, add UPC/SKU numbers, and use aliases with the variants.
Click thumbnail for larger view of image.
After your variants are set up, you can select them from the Description field in the Sales and Purchase Order windows.
Click thumbnail for larger view of image.
Note that to use this feature the Description field must be in the Entry window Layout and allow input.
Published date: 10/06/2021