PayrollCS > Payroll > Options menu > PR Tax Codes window > PR Tax Codes window: Deduction tab
PR Tax Codes window: Deduction tab
Use the options on this tab to define state and local tax deductions.
Filing Status 
Select the filing status for this Tax Code. This allows you to define different deduction amounts for the Tax Code based on the filing status. Select the filing status for the Code.
If you’re setting up your codes manually (not through the Denali tax update), be sure to set up enough codes to meet the new W-4 rate schedules.
Use Deduct F Method 
From the drop-down, select whether or not the Tax Code requires you to calculate taxes on an amount that has had a percentage of federal withholding deducted from earnings.
You can select None, Yes, Alabama, Utah, or Wisconsin.
Alabama uses a different method to calculate withholding amounts, and Utah uses the Low Income Exemption amount differently than other states; the software accounts for these differences.
Federal Deduction % 
If you selected Yes, Alabama, Utah, or Wisconsin from the Use Deduct F Method drop-down, enter the federal deduction percentage. This field defaults to 100% if you select Alabama.
Minimum Federal Deduction 
If you selected Yes, Alabama, Utah, or Wisconsin from the Use Deduct F Method drop-down and a minimum is required, enter the minimum annual amount that must be deducted.
Maximum Federal Deduction 
If you selected Yes, Alabama, Utah, or Wisconsin from the Use Deduct F Method drop-down and a maximum is required, enter the maximum annual amount that can be deducted.
Standard Deduction % 
If the tax agency allows a standard deduction, enter the percentage. The percentage is deducted from earnings pre-tax.
Less Standard Deduction 
If you deduct a dollar amount from earnings before applying the standard deduction, enter the annual amount here.
Low Income Exemption 
Enter the dollar amount defined by your tax agency as a low income exemption.
Adjusted Standard Deduction 
Enter the amount determined by the tax agency to be used in the standard deduction calculation. The calculation is provided by your state.
Minimum Standard Deduction 
If there is a minimum annual amount that must be deducted before calculating taxes, enter the dollar amount.
Maximum Standard Deduction 
If there is a maximum annual amount that can be deducted before calculating taxes, enter the dollar amount.
Percentage of Base 
Enter the percentage of earnings from which taxes are withheld.
Tax Credit Method 
From the drop-down, select how you want to use the tax credit amount for this Tax Code. If you select Credit amount, the amount in the Tax Credit Amount field is subtracted from the withholding calculation. If you select Credit amount times exemptions, the credit amount is multiplied by the number of exemptions on the employee record and then subtracted from the withholding calculation.
Tax Credit Amount 
Enter any annual state tax credit amount attached to this Tax Code.
Personal Allowance 
Enter any personal allowance amount required by the state.
Published date: 12/20/2021