PayrollGuide > Payroll > Managing Employee Records > Copy Employee Records to or from Another Organization
Copy Employee Records to or from Another Organization
If you have more than one organization set up in Denali and you want to copy employees to or from another organization, you can use the PR Copy Employees window.
To copy employees to or from another organization:
1 In Payroll, select Employees > Copy Employee Records from the left navigation pane. The Copy Employees window will open.
Click thumbnail for larger view of image.
2 From the Code Type drop-down, choose whether you want to copy employee records to or from another organization.
3 From the Organization drop-down, select the organization you will copy records to or from.
4 Use the Lookup to select the Starting and Ending range for the employees you want to include. If you want to include all employee records, leave the defaults of Start and End.
5 Click OK to copy the records.
You will now be able to access the employee records in both organizations.
Published date: 12/13/2021