PurchaseOrderCS > Purchase Order > Miscellaneous > PO Module Shortcut Error window
PO Module Shortcut Error window
When you open the PO Enter Purchase Orders or PO Receive Items window from a shortcut, an error message might appear. This is because the shortcut is not clearly defined as to which of these windows should open.
To correct this problem:
1 Right click on the shortcut icon and select Properties.
2 In the Target field of the Shortcut tab enter a space and then one of the following parameters at the end of the text string based on which window you want to access:
-pp (purchasing)
- or -
-pr (receiving)
The Target field should look similar to the following:
"C:\Program Files\Cougar Mountain Software\Denali\CMSPO32.exe" -pp (to link the shortcut to the PO Enter Purchase Orders window).
You most likely only have to add -pp or -pr to the end of the text already in the field. Please note that there is a space before the hyphen in the text string.
Published date: 03/16/2021