Purchase Order Relationship with Other Modules
Integration is the way information is shared between installed modules. If you integrate, information can be automatically sent to General Ledger, Accounts Payable, and Inventory when you post. You can also look up information from these modules. See The Lookup Feature for more information.
NOTE: If you receive an error indicating integration failed, print the generated report, make the corrections listed, reopen Module Preferences, and select the Fix <Module> Integration button on the Integration tab.
For example, if Purchase Order is integrated to Inventory, you have access to stock item information while you enter purchase orders, and stock item totals are immediately updated when you post. If you choose to integrate Purchase Order to Accounts Payable, you can access vendor information while you enter purchase orders, and Accounts Payable totals are immediately updated when you invoice and post received items. You can set integration on the Integration tab of the PO Module Preferences window.
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Published date: 02/08/2021