PurchaseOrderGuide > Purchase Order > Entering Purchase Orders > Sending Email Alerts (Fund product only)
Sending Email Alerts (Fund product only)
You can send emails to let select employees know that a batch is ready for processing.
To send an email alert:
1 Select Purchasing Tasks > Send Internal Control Alerts - Purchasing from the left navigation pane. The PO Select Batch window will open.
2 From the drop-down, select the batch you want to send an alert for. The Send Internal Control Alerts window will open.
Click thumbnail for larger view of image.
The alert email will be sent to all the addresses listed in the Recipients list box. You can only edit these addresses in the Manage Internal Control Alerts window.
The subject of the email includes the batch that is ready for processing.
3 Add the body text of your email in the Message text box.
4 Click Send to send the email. It will be sent from the email account set up in Controller.
Published date: 02/08/2021