PurchaseOrderGuide > Purchase Order > Receiving Purchase Orders > Printing Inventory Stock Labels
Printing Inventory Stock Labels
If Purchase Order is integrated to Inventory, you can print inventory stock labels for the items you receive any time before you post. You can choose what you want to print on your labels, including whether you want to generate a bar code or just the stock item information.
To print stock labels:
1 Select Receiving Tasks > Print Labels for Received Items from the left navigation pane.
- or -
Open an existing purchase order in the PO Receive Items window and select the Print Labels button in the window or from the Options slide-out menu.
Click thumbnail for larger view of image.
2 If you want to generate bar codes on your labels, make sure that the bar code option is turned on (the button will read Turn Bar Code Off).
You must have the BarTender Label Maker program installed to use this option. To order the BarTender program, call Cougar Mountain Sales at (800) 388-3038. You can format your labels according to the BarTender functionality. For more information on using this program and setting up your bar code labels, see the BarTender documentation.
3 Make the appropriate selections in the window and select OK to print the labels.
Published date: 02/08/2021