Right-Click Menu for Purchasing
When you work with items in the detail section of the window, you can use the right-click menu to expedite certain tasks. Place the mouse over the line item with which you want to work and right-click. On the menu that appears, there are several options from which to choose specific to purchasing items.
Menu Option
Insert Inventory Item
This option inserts an inventory-type line item above the detail line from which the menu was accessed. Then the IN Available Inventory Lookup window opens from which you can select the stock item to add to the purchase order.
Insert Direct Expense Item
This option inserts a direct expense-type line item above the detail line from which the menu was accessed. Then the GL Account Lookup window opens from which you can select the general ledger account to add to the purchase order.
Insert Blank Line
This option inserts a blank line item above the detail line from which the menu was accessed.
Edit Comment
This option is only available when you click on a comment-type line item and it opens the PO Enter Purchase Order Comments window in which you can edit the selected comment.
Delete Comment
This option is only available when you click on a comment-type line item and it deletes the selected comment.
Insert Comment
This option opens the PO Enter Purchase Order Comments window in which you can enter a new comment.
Insert Comment Code
This option opens the PO Comment Codes Lookup window from which you can select a predefined Comment Code to add to the purchase order.
Cut Row
This option is only available when you click on a detail line containing content and it removes the line from the purchase order and stores it in the clipboard to paste.
Copy Row
This option is only available when you click on a detail line containing content and it copies the line and stores it in the clipboard to paste.
Paste Row
This option is available when you click on any detail line (with content or blank) and it pastes the content from the clipboard into the purchase order.
Delete Row
This option is only available when you click on a detail line containing content and it removes the line from the purchase order and the content cannot be recovered.
Save and Print Purchase Order
This option saves the current purchase order, and then opens the PO Print/Reprint Purchase Orders window from which you can print the current purchase order.
Save Purchase Order
This option saves the current purchase order, and then refreshes the window so you can enter another order.
Published date: 02/08/2021