SalesCS > Sales > Point of Sale Tasks > Sales Balance Point of Sale Register window > Sales Additional Currency Counts window
Sales Additional Currency Counts window
Use this window to specify the type(s) of foreign currency you are counting for the selected register with this transaction, and to verify the converted amount. For information on changing the exchange rate, see Working With Exchange Rates.
Use this drop-down list to select the type of the first currency you are going to count. If you accept multiple additional currencies, you will need to complete the information in this window for each currency type you received on this register.
Drawer Totals
The elements in this group allow you to enter the amounts for each currency type you accept.
Tendered <currency> 
This label shows the total amount of this currency that you have tendered on this register. It is calculated from the amounts entered when tendering sales transactions. The label for this box also shows the Currency Code for the currency you are counting now.
Counted <currency> 
This is the amount of the specified currency that you have counted during this Balance Register process. It is calculated from the Quick Count box at the top of the window, or the Currency Count grid on the right side of the window, depending on which count method you use. The label for this box also shows the Currency Code for the currency you are counting now.
This label shows the difference between the amount of this currency tendered at this register during the sales process, and the amount you have entered in this window while balancing the register.
Converted Total 
This is a label for reference only, and reflects the amount in the Counted box multiplied by the amount in the Current Exchange Rate label. This amount will be added into the amount in the Counted Cash label in the Sales Balance Point of Sale Register window when you close this window.
Quick Count <currency> 
Select this check box if you want to enter the total amount of this currency type in the box instead of entering the amounts of each individual currency denomination in the grid. This label also shows the Currency Code for the currency you are counting now.
Current Exchange Rate 
This is the exchange rate that will be used to calculate the value of the currency you are entering in the native currency.
Currency Count <currency>
If you want to enter the amount for each denomination you have received for this currency, enter the information in this grid. If instead you just want to enter one number for the total amount received in this currency, select the Quick Count check box above this grid and enter the total amount there. The Currency Code is also shown in this label for reference, such as Currency Count CAD, meaning that the currency in the grid is Canadian Dollar.
Enter the quantity of the denomination in this column.
This is the denomination for which you are entering the information.
This is the value of the entry on this line in the currency in which it was tendered, which is the quantity in the Count column multiplied by the number in the Denomination column.
This is the value in the Value column converted to the native currency.
Published date: 11/22/2021