SalesCS > Sales > Reporting menu > Sales Delinquent Layaways Report window
Sales Delinquent Layaways Report window
Use this report to see which customers are behind in their layaway payments. This report will show the layaways that have total payments less than what the total payments should be as of the date you choose.
Report Type 
Detailed (default): the Detailed report will show each item number to ship separately for each transaction.
Condensed: the Condensed report will show the total quantity of each stock item for each customer.
Delinquent as of 
This is the date that will be used to compare total payments made on each layaway to the total amounts due. The default for this date is the current system date.
Skip Zero Amount Due 
Select this check box if you only want to include layaways with a remaining balance on the report. Leave this check box unchecked if you want to view paid-in-full layaways that have not yet been purged from the system, for instance, items that should have been picked up.
Published date: 11/22/2021