SalesCS > Sales > Options menu > Sales Layaway Preferences window > Sales Layaway Preferences window: General tab
Sales Layaway Preferences window: General tab
Use the General tab to define general preferences, such as minimum and maximum layaway amounts, layaway terms, and the GL Layaway Liability Account.
Minimum Layaway Amount 
This is the minimum sale amount that can be placed on layaway. If the clerk attempts to create a layaway transaction for less than this amount, an error message will appear and the transaction cannot be saved as a layaway.
Last Layaway Number 
This number will be used as a reference for the next Layaway Number. For example, if you want the next Layaway Number to be LY-0000001, enter LY-0000000 in this field. The number of characters you enter will be the maximum number of characters that will be used, unless you return to this window and change the entry in this field. So be sure that when you set the Last Layaway Number, you use enough characters to accommodate the volume of layaways you think you’ll need. When the numbers reach 9 in each place, the number will roll back around to LY-0000000 again (letters aren’t incremented).
Maximum Layaway Amount 
This is the maximum sale amount that can be placed on layaway. If the clerk attempts to create a layaway transaction for more than this amount, an error message will appear and the transaction cannot be saved as a layaway.
Maximum Layaway Term 
This is the maximum number of days you allow before a layaway must be paid in full and picked up or canceled. The range of allowable entries is from 7 to 9999.
Default Payment Schedule 
This is the default frequency for layaway payments. Your options are Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, and Annually. However, the only options that will be available are those that fit the Maximum Layaway Term specified above. For example, if the Maximum Layaway Term is specified as 45, then the only options available will be Weekly, Bi-Weekly, and Monthly. The default for this selection is Monthly.
Layaway Liability Account 
This box only appears if Sales is integrated to General Ledger. Enter the GL Liability Account for layaways or use the Lookup to select the account. When a payment is made, the liability account is credited and the appropriate cash account is debited. If the layaway is either closed or refunded/canceled, this account is debited. If the layaway is completed, the Sales account is credited. In the case of a refunded or canceled layaway, the cash account is credited.
Print Schedule 
Select this check box if you want the customer’s layaway payment schedule to print when you print an invoice for the customer. Regardless of how many invoices you print, only one schedule will be printed for each transaction. If you leave the check box unchecked, the payment schedule will not print when you print the invoice.
Published date: 11/22/2021