SalesCS > Sales > Options menu > Sales Ship Via Codes window
Sales Ship Via Codes window
Use Ship Via Codes to show the method you use to ship merchandise to your customers on your invoices. These are user-defined, two-character codes that represent each shipping method you use. If you have a customer that prefers a certain shipping method, you can attach a Ship Via Code to the customer’s master record and the code will automatically appear in the Ship Via Code field of every invoice you print for that customer. You can override the default code attached to a customer when you fill out the invoice.
Ship Via Code 
Enter a Ship Via Code of up to six characters.
Enter a description of up to 50 characters. Use a description that easily identifies the shipping method this Ship Via Code represents.
You can also define a specific contact person associated with this shipping code and the Internet address for this shipping company.
Published date: 11/22/2021