SalesCS > Sales > Options menu > Sales Layaway Preferences window > Sales Layaway Preferences window: Payments tab
Sales Layaway Preferences window: Payments tab
Use this tab to define your payment requirements for layaway transactions.
Minimum Down Payment
Use this section to define how the minimum amount you will accept for layaway down payments is calculated.
Less / More / Dollar 
Select Less if you want the minimum down payment amount to be determined by comparing a dollar amount to a percentage of the total layaway sale, and taking the amount that is less.
Select More if you want the minimum down payment amount to be determined by comparing a dollar amount to a percentage of the total layaway sale, and taking the amount that is more.
Select Dollar if you want the minimum down payment amount to be a specific fixed dollar amount, regardless of the total amount of the layaway sale.
Dollar Amount 
If you selected the Less or More option, enter the dollar amount you want to compare the percentage to.
If you selected the Dollar option, enter the dollar amount of the required down payment.
If you selected the Less or More option, enter the percentage you want to compare the dollar amount to.
If you selected the Dollar option, you can leave this box blank.
Minimum Payment
Use this section to define the minimum amount you will accept for layaway payments other than the down payment.
Dollar Amount 
Enter the minimum dollar amount you will accept for regular layaway payments.
Published date: 11/22/2021