Entering Orders
With MLI, there is an additional Location field in the Order Entry detail grid when you enter orders. The default information for this field is discussed in Setting the Primary Location of Your Inventory.
To enter transactions with MLI:
1 In the Sales module, select Order Entry Tasks > Enter / Edit Customer Orders from the left navigation pane. The Order Entry window will open.
2 If you use batch processing, select the batch you want to work in.
3 Complete the customer and header information as you would for any order. For detailed information about the options in this window, see Sales Order Entry window.
4 In the detail grid, add the stock item to sell.
5 In the Location column, enter the location for this stock item.
The default entry in this field is determined by the setting in the Sales Order Entry Preferences window or by the entry in the Sales Set Up Order Entry Batch window.
Click thumbnail for larger view of image.
6 After you finish entering the order, complete the tender process, then print and save.
Published date: 11/22/2021