Fulfilling Back Orders
Back Order transactions are only available in Order Entry and are automatically created in a back order batch when you ship an order with fewer items than are required for the order. You can fill back orders at any time.
If you want to use Back Orders, you must enable them on the General tab of the Sales Order Entry Preferences window.
To fulfill back orders:
1 In the Sales Order Entry window, open an existing back order by selecting Transaction > Retrieve Transaction > Back Order from the menu bar. The Back Order Lookup will open.
2 Choose the back order you want to fill and click Select.
3 In the Detail grid, enter the quantity you will ship for each detail item.
4 Complete the transaction.
Tips & Tricks: Back Orders
If you have a lot of back orders to work with at one time, you can switch to the Back Order batch. This way, all the transactions in the batch will be back orders and you don’t have to specify what type of order to retrieve each time.
To log into the Back Order batch:
In the Sales module, select Order Entry Tasks > Set the Active Batch to Back Order. Then choose, Order Entry > Enter Orders. When you select Transaction > Retrieve Transaction, the only type of transactions available will be back orders.
For information on voiding a back order transaction, see BROKENVoiding an Invoice TransactionBROKEN.
Published date: 11/22/2021