Rearranging Items in a Sales Transaction
Rearranging detail lines will probably involve cutting and pasting so items are grouped together or comments can be placed near the relevant items. These instructions assume you are already in one of the sales entry windows.
To cut or copy line items to paste to another portion of the detail grid:
1 Right-click on the line you want to cut or copy.
2 Select the option you want from the pop-up menu. Use the Cut Row, Copy Row, and Paste Row commands to affect entire rows. The line you copied or cut will remain in memory to paste until it is replaced by another cut or copied item.
If you need to create a blank line to paste into, right-click and choose Insert Blank Line.
To paste line items that were cut or copied to a new location in the detail grid:
1 Place focus on the line into which you want to paste the cut/copied line and right-click.
2 Select Paste Row from the pop-up menu.
If you paste a row over an existing row with information, the existing information will be overwritten.
Published date: 11/22/2021