Sales History Report
The Sales History Report provides extensive detail on posted Order Entry and Point of Sale transactions. Use the various sort options to define relationships between different aspects of your business, such as which items sell better at certain times of the year, which products customers are buying and which ones they are not, which products cash customers purchase, which products credit customers purchase, etc. Because of the extensive sort options provided on this report, you can generate a variety of different reports.
You can export this report to CSV format and easily manage your data in Excel. This report is saved by default in your Denali installation folder. It will overwrite any file of the same name. You can change where the report is saved and/or the filename by entering the information in the Print Options window. This file might show more data than appears on the report. You cannot export lot or serial numbers to CSV.
You can also use Crystal ReportsĀ® to add fields to this report. Refer to your Crystal Reports documentation for instructions.
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Published date: 11/22/2021