Defining Non-Inventory Items
Normal Non-Inventory Codes are used to sell intangibles such as freight, delivery charges, assembly fees, and prepaid services. These codes are also used to direct the posting of discounts applied to the invoice total during sales entry (see Handling Discounts on Sales Transactions for information on discounting sales transactions).
To add Normal Non-Inventory Codes:
1 In the Sales module, select Options > Manage Non-Inventory Items > Define Non-Inventory Codes from the navigation pane.
Click thumbnail for larger view of image.
2 Enter the Non-Inventory Code, which can be up to six letters, numbers, and/or special characters. This distinguishes this code from any other Non-Inventory Codes, and appears in Lookups and on some reports. For example, SHPHAN might be a good code for shipping fees.
3 Enter the GL account, price, cost, and tax information.
4 If you want to set up this Code as a prepaid service, check the AR Prepaid Service check box and enter the prepaid information.
See Sales Non-Inventory Codes window for detailed information about the options in this window
5 Select Save to keep the new code.
If you select the Taxable check box and do not specify a Sales Tax Code here, you can specify a Sales Tax Code at the time the item is included in a sale. The availability of these options will vary depending on the way your Sales Administrator has set up the sales entry layout. If you leave the Sales Tax Code blank in the transaction also, then the Sales Tax Code of the customer is used. If there is no customer, or if there is no Sales Tax Code associated with the customer, then the default NT (Order Entry) or the default set for the Register Code (Point of Sale) is used.
If you use AvaTax to calculate your sales tax, the Default Tax Code field is hidden and the Tax Code from AvaTax field appears.
Published date: 11/22/2021