SalesGuide > Sales > Sales Period End and Maintenance > Troubleshooting: Sales Period End and Maintenance
Troubleshooting: Sales Period End and Maintenance
At times, problems or errors can occur that are simple to fix without contacting Customer Support. Here, we indicate some common problems and ways to correct them. If you do not find what you are looking for in this topic, refer to the help options in the Denali Help topic and/or check the Documentation section of our Customer Service Center before you contact Customer Support. If you would like to offer suggestions for additions to our Troubleshooting topic, please email us at
To Fix This:
Try This:
I purged sales history and entered the wrong date to use for the purge. Now some information that I really wanted to keep has been purged.
You will need to restore from your backup to restore items that have been purged. Any information that was entered since the backup will need to be entered again.
Published date: 11/22/2021