Crystal Reports
Crystal Reports® by SAP™ is a report-designing software that can help you customize standard Denali reports or help you create your own custom reports. You can then deliver these reports inside or outside your business. To purchase Crystal Reports, contact your account executive at (800) 388-3038 or visit our website.
To install this enhancement, download the program and open the .exe file.
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When you are ready to customize a report, locate the folder that contains your Denali reports. The common path for locating this folder is to select Program Files > Cougar Mountain Software > Denali > Reports in Windows Explorer. Double-click on the report file you want to open and then make your changes in Crystal Reports. When you complete the changes, save the file back to the same folder.
For more information on working with the Crystal Reports program, refer to the documentation provided with the software. You can also have our Crystal Reports specialist create a custom report for you. Contact us (800) 390-7053 for more information.
Published date: 10/11/2021