ThirdPartyGuide > Companion Products in Denali > DonorExpress > Exporting Donation Records from DonorExpress
Exporting Donation Records from DonorExpress
Before you can import donation records to Denali, you’ll need to export them to a text file from DonorExpress.
To export donor transactions to a file:
1 In DonorExpress, select Admin Tools > Accounting Export > Export Cougar Mountain Transactions.
Click thumbnail for larger view of image.
2 In the Export Cougar Mountain Donation Records window, select the Set Path button and browse to the location you want to export your file.
3 Enter a date range in the Begin Date and End Date fields.
4 Select the Export button.
Your donation records are exported to a text file in the location you selected.
Published date: 10/11/2021