Companion Products in Denali > Fixed Assets > Exporting to Denali
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Exporting to Denali
For Fixed Assets and Denali to communicate, you must perform three steps. First, after you enter all your assets, you must run a depreciation schedule for them. Next, you need to generate journal entries in Fixed Assets for the asset depreciation and export the entries as a text file. Then, import the text file into Denali. In the Export Selected Asset Data window, enter the text file name in the File Name field. When you export the asset data, the program generates a tab-delimited text file. You must name this file GLFEXT.DMOFND (DMOFND represents the six-character Company Code in Denali) for a Fund organziation or GLEXT.DMOACT (DMOACT represents the six-character Company Code in Denali) in a for-profit organization for Denali to recognize it.
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When the export process is complete, open Denali and select Transaction Tasks > Import Transaction from an External File from the General Ledger navigation pane. Browse to the location of the file you want to import and click OK. The fixed asset data will be imported into your Denali database. Then, in Denali, when you run a General Ledger report with fixed assets information, it is included.
After you import your fixed assets, any transactions that affect a fixed asset account must be entered in the Fixed Asset program, and then you must re-import into Denali.
For additional information on working with accounts, running General Ledger reports, or importing text files in Denali, refer to the General Ledger guide, online help, or web help. For information on working with the Fixed Assets program to enter and track your assets, refer to the documentation provided with Fixed Assets.