AP Adjust/Pay Bills window
Use this window to pay individual bills or make adjustments to payment transactions. You can also use this window to void checks, enter credit memos, and adjust the balances of vendor accounts. The window fields change depending on the Transaction Type you choose.
Tran # 
The system automatically generates a transaction number for each transaction in the batch. If this is the first transaction in the batch it will be transaction 1. This is for reference only and cannot be changed.
Transaction Type 
From the drop-down, select the type of transaction you want to process.
Payment: select this option if you want to make a payment, such as paying a bill. The payment type is the default for this window.
Payment Correction/Void: select this option if you want to void a posted payment, such as a check or an electronic payment. When you make a payment correction, the GL Cash Account/BR Bank Account is debited for the amount and the AP Control Account is credited for the amount.
Balance Adjustment: select this option if you want to correct a vendor balance, or record vendor debit or credit memos. You can apply the balance adjustment to a particular transaction or leave it as an unapplied transaction that increases or reduces your balance with the vendor, but does not change the balance of a particular posted transaction.
Payment - Credit Card: select this transaction type if you are entering a credit card payment.
Pymt Correction - Credit Card: select this transaction type if you are entering a credit card adjustment.
Unapplied Payment: select this option if you want to make a payment that doesn’t apply to a specific bill, or if you receive a refund or a credit from a vendor.
Trans Date 
Select the payment date, which is usually the check date. The default for this is the system date. This date determines the accounting period into which the payment will post. For more information about how dates are used in Denali, see Working with Dates.
Vendor Name 
After a vendor number is selected in the Vendor # field, the vendor’s name appears here for reference.
Vendor Balance 
After a vendor number is selected in the Vendor # field, the vendor’s balance appears here for reference.
Vendor # 
Type the vendor number or use the Lookup to select the vendor for the current transaction. If you don’t see the vendor you’re looking for, you can add it on-the-fly by selecting Add in the AP Vendor Lookup window.
Paid Out 
This check box is only available if you select Payment Correction from the Transaction Type drop-down. Select this check box if you need to void a paid out transaction. After you select this check box, a Lookup in the Check # field is enabled from which you can select the check you need to void.
Enter a description for this transaction. This will appear on some Accounts Payable reports and can help you identify this transaction in the future.
Check # 
This field only appears when you select either Payment, Payment Correction, or Unapplied Payment in the Transaction Type field. To manually assign a check number for a payment, enter the check number here. If you are using alphabetic characters, we highly recommend you end the number with a numeral so your check numbers increment correctly. Otherwise, leave this field blank and the system will automatically assign the check number when you print checks.
For a payment correction, enter the check number you want to void. You can use the Lookup to find the check number you need.
CC Reference # 
This field only appears when you select either Payment - Credit Card or Pymt Correction - Credit Card in the Transaction Type field. If this is a payment, enter a credit card reference number in this box. If this is a correction, use the Lookup to select the reference number for the transaction you need to correct.
CC Reference 
This field only appears when you select the Pymt Correction - Credit Card transaction type. This field is read-only and reflects the amount of the credit card payment associated with the selected credit card reference number.
Credit Card Vendor 
This field only appears when you select a transaction type of either Payment - Credit Card or Pymt Correction - Credit Card. Type the vendor or use the Lookup to enter a credit card vendor in this box.
Credit Card 
This field only appears when you select a transaction type of either Payment - Credit Card or Pymt Correction - Credit Card. This field is read-only and reflects the amount you are paying/adjusting for the selected credit card vendor. This amount is the total of the payments/adjustments in the Credit Card Amount column in the Detail grid below.
CC Vendor Name 
This field only appears when you select the transaction type as either Payment - Credit Card or Pymt Correction - Credit Card. This read-only box displays the name of the credit card vendor whose number you selected in the Credit Card Vendor box.
CC Reversal #  
This field only appears when you select the Pymt Correction - Credit Card transaction type. Enter a reversal number to track this transaction.
Reference #  
This field only appears when you select Balance Adjustment in the Transaction Type field. If you selected either the Increase Balance or Decrease Balance radio button in the Change Vendor Balance section of this window, enter a reference number for this transaction. The number must be unique and will help you identify this transaction in the future. If this balance adjustment is based on a document, you can enter that document identification here.
If you select the Apply Prev Incr/Decr radio button in the Change Vendor Balance section, use the Lookup to select the debit memo you want to apply for the balance adjustment.
Ref Des 
This field only shows when you select Balance Adjustment from the Transaction Type drop-down and the Apply Prev Incr/Decr radio button in the Change Vendor Balance section. This read-only box displays the description of the transaction shown in the Reference # box.
Ref # Amount 
This field only shows when you select Balance Adjustment from the Transaction Type drop-down and the Apply Prev Incr/Decr radio button in the Change Vendor Balance section. This read-only box displays the amount of the referenced transaction.
This field only shows when you select Balance Adjustment from the Transaction Type drop-down and the Apply Prev Incr/Decr radio button in the Change Vendor Balance section. This read-only box displays the amount remaining on the referenced transaction.
Apply To #  
This field only displays when you select Balance Adjustment from the Transaction Type drop-down and either the Increase Balance or Decrease Balance radio button in the Change Vendor Balance section. If this transaction is an applied balance adjustment, open the Lookup and select the transaction you want to apply this adjustment to. Be sure to select the Apply column in the detail grid to apply the adjustment.
If you will post this transaction as an unapplied balance adjustment, you can leave this field blank.
Apply Des 
This field only displays when you select Balance Adjustment from the Transaction Type drop-down and you select either the Increase Balance or Decrease Balance radio button in the Change Vendor Balance section. The description from the transaction you selected in the Apply To # field will automatically appear here for reference.
BR Bank Code / GL Cash Acct 
This field only appears when you select Payment, Payment Correction, or Unapplied Payment from the Transaction Type drop-down. If Accounts Payable is integrated to Bank Reconciliation, select the BR Bank Code you want to post this payment to.
If Accounts Payable is not integrated to Bank Reconciliation, but is integrated to General Ledger, select the GL Cash Account you want to post this payment to. The fund account (Fund product only) is determined by the expense account you enter in the transaction.
BR Bank Desc / GL Des 
This field only appears when you select Payment, Payment Correction, or Unapplied Payment from the Transaction Type drop-down. This box displays the description of the BR Bank Account or GL Cash Account you selected in the BR Bank Code or GL Cash Acct field.
This field is only visible if you select the Unapplied Payment transaction type. Enter the amount of your unapplied payment in this field.
Total Payment  
This field only appears when you select a payment-type transaction. This box displays the original amount remaining on the open item you selected, before any discounts or adjustments.
This field only appears when you select a payment-type transaction. This box displays the total amount entered in the Discount Amount column of the Detail grid.
Adj Applied 
This field only appears when you select a payment-type transaction. This box displays the total amount entered in the Adj Amount to Apply column in the Detail grid.
Check / Cash 
This field only appears when you select a payment, payment correction, or unapplied payment type transaction. This box displays the total entered in the Check/Cash Amount column in the Detail grid.
Electronic Payments 
This check box only shows when you select a payment-type transaction. If you set up the selected vendor for electronic payments in the AP Vendors window, this check box is checked by default. You can uncheck this box if you don't want to make this payment electronically.
EFT Account Code 
This field only appears when you select a payment-type transaction and Accounts Payable is not integrated to Bank Reconciliation. The field defaults to the EFT Account Code entered on the Remit To tab for the vendor. You can change the Account Code if necessary
If Accounts Payable is integrated to Bank Reconciliation and the Electronic Payments check box is checked, the EFT Account Code that was set up on the bank account is used.
Print Comment 
This field only appears when you select Payment or Unapplied Payment from the Transaction Type drop-down. To print a unique comment on the check, select this check box and type your comment in the field. This comment will appear on the check below the payee’s name and address.
1099 Applicable 
This check box only appears if you select a 1099-applicable vendor and you are doing an increase balance adjustment or a payment correction. When you select this check box for a balance adjustment, the 1099 Type column appears in the detail grid. When you select this check box for a payment correction, the Remove Amount from 1099 Type and Add Amount to 1099 Type columns appear in the detail grid.
Change Vendor Balance
These options only show when you select Balance Adjustment in the Transaction Type drop-down. Your selection determines how the vendor’s balance will adjust when you post.
Increase Balance 
Select this option to increase your balance with the vendor by the amount of the transaction. Whether the increase is applied to a specific transaction or posted as an unapplied increase depends on your entry in the detail grid.
Decrease Balance 
Select this option to decrease your balance with the vendor by the amount of the transaction. Whether the decrease is applied to a specific transaction or posted as an unapplied decrease depends on your entry in the detail grid.
Apply Prev Incr/Decr 
Select this option if you previously posted an unapplied adjustment to your balance with this vendor, and you now want to apply it to a particular transaction.
Published date: 12/03/2021