AccountsPayableCS > Accounts Payable > Accounts Payable Options menu > AP Module Preferences window > AP Module Preferences window: User-Defined Fields tab
AP Module Preferences window: User-Defined Fields tab
On this tab you can define up to ten fields to track any vendor information you choose. After you define the fields and assign any necessary codes, they are available for input on the AP Vendors window User-Defined tab.
Enter a name for each user-defined field you are setting up. Descriptions of the different uses for the fields are below. Any information you enter in these fields on the AP Vendors window User-Defined tab will not appear in the vendor Lookup. For more information about using User-Defined Fields, see Tailoring Information for Tracking Vendors.
User Field 1, 6 Char and User Field 2, 6 Char 
These fields are for tracking custom information through codes you set up. This is most useful when there are a limited number of options to enter in the field. For example, you might create a field to track the product lines you purchase from a vendor. You would then create a code for each product line so the clerk can easily select the correct one from the Lookup.
After you enter the names for the fields you want to use, create the codes you want available for the fields on the Options menu.
User Field 3, 10 Char and User Field 4, 10 Char 
These fields will record vendor information of up to 10 alphanumeric characters.
User Field 5, Date and User Field 6, Date 
These fields are used to track dates. When you enter dates in these fields in the AP Vendors window, the system formats them as a numeric date, separated by a forward slash (/).
User Field 7, Amt and User Field 8, Amt 
These fields are for numeric amounts with up to two decimal places. When you enter amounts in these fields in the AP Vendors window, the system automatically inserts the decimal place and commas.
User Field 9, 50 Char and User Field 10, 50 Char 
These fields are for vendor information of up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Published date: 12/03/2021