If you use positive pay to verify that checks cashed at the bank match those sent by your business, generate the positive pay file after you finish printing your checks. To use positive pay you must enter your bank information in Module Preferences. See Positive Pay File Formats in the Appendix for bank file format requirements.
To generate the positive pay file:
1 In Accounts Payable, select Payment Tasks > Generate Positive Pay from the left navigation pane. The AP Positive Pay window opens.
Click thumbnail to view larger image.
2 From the Batch drop-down, select the batch you want to generate the positive pay file from.
3 In the Destination File Path field, browse to the folder you want to save the positive pay file in. This field defaults to the POSPAY folder in the Denali installation folder.
4 Select the Process button.
The positive pay file will be located in the folder you specified. You can then send this file to your bank.