Aging Report
Aging Report provides a list of vendors to whom the organization owes money. This report shows information about your vendor accounts. There are several options you can use to sort or filter this report. Some of these are vendor number, product type, vendor name, vendor status (
Inactive, or
Temporary), Transaction Type (
Debit Invoice,
Payment Correction,
Credit/Debit Adjustment, or
Unapplied Debit), AP Code, or period.
You can also set a specific range for the different criteria available for the report and show aging by either due date or invoice date. You can exclude zero balances to omit vendors to whom you don’t owe anything.
Depending on the criteria you set, this report can be lengthy. If you want to list each vendor on a separate page, select the
Page Break on Vendor Number check box. You also have an option to adjust the size of this report depending on your selection in the
Report Type drop-down. See
Options for Report Type for more information on the different types available.
To print this report, select Reporting > Aging Report from the left navigation pane and enter the criteria for the report in the AP Aging Report window and select OK.
Click thumbnail to view larger image.
If you
defined a custom report for this window in Controller, you can select the
Use a custom report check box and then choose the custom report you want to run from the drop-down.
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Published date: 12/03/2021